I found a great photo on the ABC News website of the storm in Brisbane on Sunday night and realised how severe our summer storms can be. Given the late season heatwave happening here in SE Qld at the moment, it is apparent that more storms are coming. Power outages can be devastating for homes and businesses and it is important to be prepared. You should consider a back-up generator from Genelite. Genelite have diesel or electric, new and reconditioned units for sale from 2kVA to 2500kVA and units for hire from 2kVA to 1250kVA available right now.
Image Source: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-02-12/more-stormy,-hot-weather-forecast-for-brisbane/9421592, accessed 13 February 2018
Contact Genelite 1300 305 912.